Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 33, 12 ʻAukake 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

The Advertiser contains a very intt-resting aoeounl of the expodt tion to Kalalau frora Koolau’s p<*int of view. The report carries with it the stamp of truth. and is nnd.>ubtediy cnrrect. Dce« not Pres ident Dole thmk that it is t:me now to raise th’e rnartial law in the distr>cts of Waimea and Manaiei bef»>re more ridicule is lhr>wn on tl.e whole »ffair? We notice thal Koolau wns amii8ed when that ! famous goat huntcr W. O. Smith i lost his breath by ciimbing up to ; theallegedstronghnldof tbeoutiaw, and didu’t find hira. while he was , cK>se by watching the Ianding of 1 the great Attornev-GeneraI. Koo- : lau was not the only one who was ! amused. The rest of the c>>uotry has had their haw! baw! over His ' fizzle.