Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 33, 12 August 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
U. S. MiM8TEB l’LoC.vr left Iast Tu«>d«y for Waebingt*m by tlse tleao»er *‘G«elic," Tbe very deli- | cate miaaioo witb wfaicb 5!r. Biount «ae iotrueted when be lauded bere baa beeu carrīed out by bim witb h r«re UeU and be Ieavea to da} gem-rAlly e»t-erntd and geaeraily j admired by all tboae irbo eame io contact with bim d :riog b» ! «ork bere. Tbe abuse wbicb ioeal j correat*oadtJ)U poured on bim in tbe Aroerican annexation pre«e bad no effect on the liue of policy whieK be pursued here irom the first, and ihe sneers, innueudoee and miarepresentjitionB’ tn whieh : lbe loeal annezation press indulg* ed did not effect hie universal courleey and urbanity towards everyene of all claese« and differing ]>olitica. Mr. Bluunt bas proved himself not alone a wise and thorougb elaleeman, but aieo a true g**utieman aud the Hawaiians iu wiebing bim a m>»st plessant joorney to where his duties now eali bim will always remember bim with the warmt«t Aloha.