Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 281, 11 August 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
The most important item of new§ to tbis cuuntry by the last m&ils wa§ the >udden drop in the price of sugar to & figure whieh if eontinued does not mean living r&tee to our pl&nters and sugsr-mill own«rs. Coupled with th« intima-
tion that the exj>ense of bringing Japanese laborers is to be largely increased, aud tbe teruis ot tne proposed treaty with the United States whieh is to prohibit Chinese !abor from c*.>niing here, it is evident that the j>lanters life under the P. G. is not to be a very “happy one.” Tho chiet staple in this country is s';g>r. The only de- ' j.endence whieh everyor.e in the country has of making a living res*s on sug «r. If the j>!anter and mill-owner are fi>rced t ! > give uu because th*-y cannot mske a living 60 m .st everyone else. Yet so tir (he res'.ilt of tiie revolution ard its attetul mt conseqi>ences has only Ken t *jeopardize the few chancts, ' the i>ianter has > f mnking t ven a fiirlv successful ventnre of his entmTise. \Veare not g>>ittg t«> aj>j>val toth it j>ortion of the a.wial anat,omy oi the planter thut when b>uch- ! ed afl’ec(s, rv°ry »ne 5n the lai d. bot w« wish sin<ply t<> :isk our selfelect“d and se:f-representing rulers to pause in their career l«.ng enough to c>*iiSfder whether in order to i gratify an idiotic sentiment, it is wofTh while to strang!e the on!y industry on whieh oiir t>r >sperity —even onr existence —depends. ln other words \ve \vish to po!itely, but distinctly and tinnly remind them, that it is the act of a fool to cut off one’s nose to sj»ite oue's faceastheold proverbhasit ītmay seem at present that the best course topursue is tosentimentaIly pos«- before the j>eople of the United Btates as opponents of eoolie Iabor und to pledge its abohtion, but why should everyone in the country be ruined to gratify the meretricious sentimentality of a crauky poseur like Thurston? Fause gentiemen and reflvct on whom the pumshment will fall. You also will have to bear your share of it.