Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 281, 11 ʻAukake 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Mk. Pavl NelMann gives a vigorous answer in this tnorning’s Advertiser to the annexation organs and the j)rofessional “hogs” who were grunting out lheir protests and satisfaction because Captain Fergusonoccupied I50free .Iapanese togo to Guatemala. Paul invites the “friend < f the Japanese” who has , attacked him. and Caj>t. Ferguson in the Advertiser to eall around and see the authority under whieh the Captain acts and then be kicked ont for his impertinence. We would resp>ctfully suggest to Mr. Neumann to reverse the order of the progr.»mme .°nd treat thecur to a kicking first and then show him the eredentials afterward. Perhaps ‘th« friend of the Japanese‘ will then not be so anxious to in the future put his snout into uther people’a atfairs.