Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 279, 9 ʻAukake 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

I.n thia nor>rning’9 Advertiser appears an aoeounl of an arrest of some gimbling Ohinamen. who were canght in the servant9 rjnarters of Mr. C. W. A9hford. The new9-item 19 preaented t > the publie by thnt contemptible t»heet nnder the hendir.g ‘'Looka very bad.” That the Adverti9er, under its present editor is going deeper and deeper, and more rapidly down into the gutter, mnst have been obvious to n11 of it9 readers. but we believe that the climax hae boen reached, when an every dny occur anee is pre9ented with un ineinualion that the offense 9poken aboUt wm s committed wilh thesanction or at le.ist knowUge of a prominent fellow ciliz°n. who, u!thongh he haa ihe misfortune (?) to differ politicallv from the Adv»rti9cr. at least holds the re9pect of the e >ramunity at largi*. Gambling Chinamen, offending the lawē of onr country have heen repeatedly caughl in the preraise3 of Mr.D >le, Mr. \Vilder and others of the immaeulale defender9 of virtue and patriotĪ9in, but no insinuation9 were ever indulged in that the offen9e9 —from larceny to opinm smoking. and gambling —were |>erpetr«ted under the silent protectorate of the respective bo99es for whom the 9inner9 worked as eooke, or yardmen. Then why s’nould the dirtv wonld be otficial organ take the liberty with Mr. Vflhford’8 name whieh it has done in thi» morning’8 is9ue. Even the Chinpse eoaehm:m of that little demi-god, the 9iiver-phite-receiving (vthenhe get9 it) Steven9 had a Chinefle employee who g»t caught both in t v, e act of gimblirg and carrying a c>»ncealed weapon, but althongh the sub9equent aelion in ihe mntter of tfce old diplomat {G«»<i save the mark!) would have ju9tiiied any iuainuati>»n sgainet him aa connubiating with his offending eoaehman, no one wa9 ev»*r vile enough to indo!ge in or puhliah such inainualion. Such ani.idecent proceeding towarda a polUieal opponent was left for the baif-baced polluiion, who, aa an editor at pre3ent, di9graces tbe the proprietora and «upporters of tbe P. C. Advertiser.