Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 277, 7 August 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
Anmther tempett iu a teapotI I n tbi? ir>ptance, it is a churchiy tea|k>1, ai d it is known to the puhlie •e t!ie Wahiee church in Lahaina. \\e ōhould perliaps have avoided Biaking any further reference to 4'. is n aller whieh of course not i« of #'’fTn ient pub!ic int**re8t to deaerve Biuch not ; ce in the press ii it was »ot for a coinmunicated articie i\hich np|*eared in thi» morning’« Advertiser. headed "T!ie Trial at Laliaina,” «ncf whieh. by the cire f,! • :innghig editor of the Blanc- » g or Mehinge was insrrted »i>i >t>g and advertii»e B t evid*Mit!y f*r the purpoge cf t tlracting the altention of the ftv • o people who yet cons der *• J >ly to wade through t!ie eol of tha would be but repudi•te<l ofificial organ. , TPhe wnlee io the Advertieer on ih is malter i* obvious!y nolamem•|ier in g *od »Unding of either the Lahaina Churcli oe any otber Chrisi'.in . s-emHy* hecause ha indalge» in fa1a>fying whieh wou!d be ei'. re than uubecoming for any man protendiug to be a Christian. <!v.-"r*bts Ihe tnal ae being ”a trial C r r> .nmrfment at the December rv f c>urt, of five members of f ■ r *-'rier auanencted board of lrusl. - •' ehe Lahaina chnrch, who >od the new boardof truslees i tl e cxerc’se of their rights in f the \Taineechurch buiid- ► This sentence whichcirries k il i 8tr*'ng K-nersonian flavor c <4 ‘ r ;!lurffrjl* , si the ignorance «*f : f ••■‘•r’or hie inienUon of perv;t g ihe trolh. The eaae be4r. J lg- Daniels was simp y a C r f assiult*'and battery against Mikalua, Makekau and E ell . r-, \\ ho resisted an attempt of w n '"<■ *i t nii C'ou«” minorily, work-*»-g der iiistructions of lbe dism. '-- d piri *u Mr. Pali, and the p. * c<■ Jjdgn of Lahaina Mr. Kaha- : >„t * illegally aud uolawfuliy pv«atauion of the church. e g;-i.t>einen were of c>nrse ':-Tiy »cqnitted, and it was 9 r d .it the trial tbat the per» >n n' « "'ore out tbe warrants for ae*f .i’V .»wd' b\ttery, aud who was a ■ a mth hired to bun*t the doors #7'-’ oP tbe Mcred building h*d v - >nproaohed tbe Judge with a eō-nplainl againet the trustees. but lfl d s : !uply fcen told by thi» clever »rd cxtreuie*y ehnelian official to «wear k> a warrant made out hy tbe Judge, himee)f and ■elther explained nor »ubmitted 10 ihe poor f»Uo» who wu made a L
1 scapegoat by the disaii§3ed Pali • and the refractory tru?tee Kahau- | lelio. We hope that the matter is i not ended tbere. The d;3mis3a: of Kahaulelio from Ihe judge»hip in Lahaina 3houId take pl»ce immediately. 1 1 is inconiDetency has bten 9<» ' well-known lhat the authorities i shou!d have had him removed long j ag > in spite of him carrying one of , Mr. A. F. Judd’s blue nbb»n8 and 1 when he now use3 his official posi- : ' lion lo g»in i»er8onal end?. he j j ought »t leasl t > suspended and an investig ition immediately I opened. But no fe.ir! As mi?ter s i servant, and as long as the e >uni trv st;iud the ineddlmg and »nud- . dl;i g int > tveryb >dy else’s b'isines? by tne Chief uf the Judiciary Department, it is ii<>t to be huped that iT >per mfasi.re3 and pr >per pena!ties wi! 1 lie deu!t out to t le petty r>fficials m the country | districts. \ — The congregation of the Wainee cburch wī 11 not have Mr. A.Pali us minister. The B->ardoftruateest!ieir have dismi?sed him and locked the d >ors to the Church. Any attempt of the North Pacific Pastoral In- j cubator to force an obnoxious preacher do»?n the throat of a free and self supporting Christian congregation should be promptly resenled and we recommend the trustees of Ihe Wainee Church now acquitedofanycharge madeag:»inst them to oromptly lake steps to have Kahauielio and Pali arrested for malieioua c»nspiracv whieh has caused the trii8tee8 both annoyance and money. Whai earthly (or heavenly) g.K>d ean c»me out oi' an attempt lite the one now raade by an in3 gnificant minority-bjcIted by a man like Emerson—to “run” a christian church agiinst the wiU of the people who f<irm that church, aud then apeak about them ub “a eoniumaeioua m«jority.” VV’hat if the whole congreg*tion whieh now worships in Wainee Church should leave and allow Mr. Paii and his five fnends full poese8sion while they either find other plaeea of worship or drop a Christinnity whioh is being illustrated to thera in such an astounding and aueh au outrageous and intolera.it manoer. Is that the war that foreigners who yet preten<f to be missionarie8 and workers for the eauae of Cbrist are fu!filling their tothe G<*d whose servaats theyduty pretend to be and mor« especially to the oeople abroad. who through devotion, put their handa in their poccets U' feed and support cburch1 «3 and in8titutions among the «1Ieged heathens who' are to be eollected into the christian faith? Fur ahame. Mr. Emerson, for sharae, Mr. Judd. andforshame Mr. Pali! By intolerance and a peity amhilion to rule, men who desire to further true christianity will nevcr g.»iu good re*ulte. By throwing men into jaiiand prosecutmg them heeauae they refuse to Iiaten to an obnoxiouB preachef, the poiol mll nol b» wou. The d'ays of the inquisitioa are over and with the blessings tbat civiliaation brought bere was the great prinelple now cl*ar to all Hawaiiana, the priociple ofseIf gorernment—be it io st*te orchurch—that is *elf-governmeut where the voice of the people is paramoont,wbere the m»jority ruies lf the friends in Hooolulu of Mr. Paii are so amioue for the peeuniary welfare of that prooiinent(!) anncxationist, let ihem send for him and give him a job—make him lbird editor of the Kookoe—bot doa*t Iet them get away with the idea that the peopieof Lahaina
will ever *gain IĪ9ten to him in their church. where he preached treas»n tc his country. treas«m to hia Queen. and where he by advo1 cating the de e truction of the Ha- ! waiian ir.dependence r»'Ceived lor | hitn3"lf with hatred and c>*ntempt I the tuen c>f Lahama. Let the \\ ainee church f.ill into g:nouIdering >reiU porta!sareevef»gain ; opened to any anuex»tionisl, be he ! parson or j idg<d