Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 277, 7 August 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
\Vk r< j r‘ml t> day n very interc;‘ •; url'c!e I»y Mr. J.'hn Bonner. vh 1 i, i>e.ircd in Ihe mst number cf the V. ave (S»n Francieco.) Ai- i tl Mr. Bonner says nothii g vh;cii is tiew in the matter of tlie l:ite revoIuti«n lo our reader», tlie I Clear v:ew tnken by hiin and ihe ' ftir cr lic 8in of the crisis in Ha- 1 v .i !. s the article deserving of 11.t ; ‘rim;« aUenlion, and consideraUi.n . f evtryone uhoiovcs Hawuii atu1 the Hawaiians.