Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 32, 5 ʻAukake 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Fkom firet to laet during the existence of the P, G. thejournals whieh elaim to represent ite sentiments. express its opiniona, and puhlieh its edicts (at so mueh per i ineh ) hare so utterly taugled themselves up by contradictory statementa that it is difticult for even their infatuated followers to awallow their aelf-coutradictory statements. Now it is the metbylated residuum whieh runs the Advertiaer muddle that has made the Iast break. Read the fol!owing and wonder, if the capacity for amazement has not heen exbausted by ! the constant demands on it. After i howhng aud wbining both bere in its eolumne and abroad m corres- j pondence to American papers tbat the Provisional Governmeut was not oniy fiuancially stable and eeonomieal, but had always been so since its ineepiion, this blethering idiot ehaneea partly to say the trutb and states that it bas ‘*performed the unfxpected and u nprece- > dented feat of paying cnrrent ex0enses.” (The itnhcs are ours.) Great 8cott! And this is wbat honest,ect>nomical, aud stable goverumeut bas eome toI To be able to pay curreut expenses. Tbat is it has paid tbe ealanea due its employees during the six months it has heen in exist«nce after taking oftice witb a full Treasurv. And it bas only done tbis by seizing on the Crovn Lands revenues whieh do not and did not belong to it, and by persuading certain of its more fondly trusting fullowers to hold their unpaid bills over until it couid get in some money, and bv ceasing all puhlie «orks and ' I refusing to pay many of the appro- , priations whieh the Legislature, ' > duly elected by tbe people, decided ' | afUr seven months of discussion were fit and proper objecU to be paid for, and «hieh tb«y duly proI vided in tbe regular way tbe means to pay for. And this is the resolt of the financial ability, and $3U,000,00U of wealtb whieh the inoeplon of the . P. O. under Mioister Stevens aod , hia Bootoo furoes put into cootrol • of ihe oountry and ita affairm. This i aggregatioQ uf ali the talenta and r sll tbe weallh, aud all the braint, ihia Uoohle, dittroM,s od oooiuiioo, > I htj havo pianfd tbe «M&try in.

' been aWe to u perform the onex-j pccted and mmfrrredn feat of : p*y:Dg current expenses. Frequent!v, we bare rieen from the peru»al of the or«mn and its tail, feeling tbat lhere was »ome fi»undation in fact for Mark Twain s bumoroos ssetch of the time that he heeame tbe editor of an acr:coltural paper. with ihe resnlt that ! one of hia subscribers thought himself a bomicidal maniae after reading bis effusions. until Mark himself bad read to him tbe same p«ragraphs with the same expressions. and 90 ea?ed his mind of the impression tbat nohuman being could bave printed suchdrivelling idiocy, and not be out of a lunaiie asylum. It wili now be inorderfor Minister Oamon to explain why he has not referred ihe Advertiser’8 caset>i the kind care of his colleague, the Attorney General, with a recommendation to have his deputies rnquire into his sanity. r But seriously speaking what ean ;be styled “unprecedented" in a government paying its current expenses? Are we to suppose that the Advertiser hitherto considered the P. G. to be like some of the South and Central American gov1 ernments whieh are said to be in the habit of annexing the revenues and leaving their emp!oyees and creditors in the lurch without pavi ment? Or is it that that compound iof methylated Keely and lunacy thinka it is “unprecedented” f>>r a government to have on its ineepi tion over 1100.000 more than is necessary to pay “current expenses.” and yet, after six months, asaisted by revenues not belonging ; to it, and the loan of $35,000 belonging to four trusting friends,and $2.000belonging to another,not to be able to do raore than have paid 1 those same current expenses? If this is the solution of the tiser’8conglomerationofaddlepatedness and ignorance we take it all back, and simply ask brother Johnstone to get somebody ia future to 1 '■ see that his blancmange does not ; sulfer from such a MaIapropian ! “derangement of epitaphs.” -