Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 32, 5 August 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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Om e more the Sur exbibits its total ignorance of geography —this time in relation to the elimalie seasonsof horticultural producticns where h* r dicules tbe idea of tbe Australians compecing in the Can- > adiau and British Columbian mari kets with tbeir ffuits. If the ignoramus bad reflected or i>crhaps bad ever known that tbe sea«ons in the Soutbern Hemisphere are the reverse in point of time to those in the Northern, he would never bave dieplayed a« large hisabeolute laek of the most ordinary every day informationandcommon sense. Take some more soda, dear. notwithstanding Cunha’s advice to those with the grippe-like Puneh’a to those about to marry—don’t.