Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 32, 5 August 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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“lf this oountry had a grand-jury sy8tein tbe way would not be e«ay for Tom, Dick and Harry to bring crimin«l «uita for vhe eake of menaoe. coer«ion or annoyance. In the matter of lil»el proceedinge eapeoally, there would be a weleome reform —weloome not more to the publiahers than to tbe oourte and the commuuity. As al preaent oon»tituted. the lawa permit a man with a prieate grievance, at hia own oplion, to gag the prees in its dis euneion of important measures, and even of puhlie enemiee. That sort of thing 5e a eoiumon injury.’^ Thk Star of August lst 11 quoted above. Thc Holomūa, ita editorm and thoae oonnected wilh ita p«rty. hare ateadily fought in the aame line for years pasl. \Vhat eaueea tbe change m the Star and ita «upporters? Is it the menaoe to the peraoua! liberty of W. Q. Smith? What ie aauee for the gooee is aauee for the gander! Not that we intimate thit W. G. Smitb ie a gooee—by ao meana. He ia aim ply the bell-wetber of tbe flock of idiot«, who im«gioe tbat they ean change a portk>n of the de«tiny of the war!d, although that be a amall portion indeed. (Wether beblowedl lle is a aheep.—Ēn. Uolomua.) M». Smitr of lbe Star. whom a Virginta paper saya will either be h«nted or Preeident of the Hawai- , ian Republtc ia whining, heeaoae tbe Spreckels lihel auit is going sgainst him, and heeauae tbe moet prominent men in ihia town are oa!)ed aa w tneasec to prove tbe fnct of tbe Ubel, whieh he in the moai unwarra»ted mannei eommiited on eiaua Spreckel». Doca thta l»ttl«? fiyspot on the globe realiy beiieve tbat be oan land on tbe ahoree of Hawaii with hie former reputatioo, weU-atred here, aod with his ehaneee (aa hia frienda aay) oi «ilber beooming Prcstdent o? hanged—moal iikely ihe Utlcr —end lben «it i* judgmeot on the men, who. &nancUUy aod eociaily, a«d whohaee ae«ocUted Iheoawleee 'tb the final 1 Ihle oee wil" 1 tT j

We are getting lired of M r. Wal- . ter G Smitb. and hia fceble efforta < to oonlnol tbe «fforta bere. Tbe day baa eome «ben not a «inele annezation ciub badge ia aeeo in town, and wben erervbodv who' 0 0 haa anv iotere«t here knewe that tbe game of anoezation ia up. For 1200 a montb, and a cootnct Mr. j Smitb—thia cooTev-ahipped acribbler—haa uodertakea lo writ« up aonezation, aod write down ali oppoeilion, aod more e«peciaI2y the , Holoml a. We leave lo our reader* to judge of tbe eueoeM witb whieh be haa made in tbe campaign, aud we adriae Smith to g<> haek to lower California and be ahot, rather thao to «tay in Hawaii and be hanged—or be Preaident.