Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 32, 5 ʻAukake 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

The Salvation arrx>r hae baen conqaered by S«natur E:mn»lulh. P«rson Saou Ka’oa baa been fired ! from Nuuanu Street aidewalk whieh aeem» to be the pronerty of j the above m«Qtioned pugiiiatic Se- ■ nator and kia colleague Senator lienn* \Vaterhouae. but in hia plaoe | ■ two kanaka* have h<een hired to PP ahout for annexation, and Emmelulh (wbat t combination !) and now thc Holomi'a ollioe «ituated in the aame vicimty is enter- \ ing a eomplainl against the new]y- { htred goapel—and annezation i •Iingere of Emmelulh and Water- | houae. Let ua aee if we have got I the eame pull a« the tin-senator!