Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 276, 4 ʻAukake 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Thk governm«nt has propoa«d an act whieh will dispo«e of tbe Crown land?. Without even wait ing until tb&t act ia pasaed, landa belonging to the Crown are placed in the market, and are to be aold at puhlie auction. Thia ia. to saj the Ieaat, a remarkable pmceeding, in fact, we conaider it a direct insult against the m«mbera of the Advisory Cooncil, and more especiallv agaiuat the Judiciary Committee whieh i» at preaentoonaidering ihe advisability of the bill. We ■hall in a future iaaue revert to tbe

whole matter of the annexation by Mr. Dole of the lands of Kamehameha. Perhaps he ie »u a poēilion to know how a deciFion of the Supreme Court here would go. bnt if he hone*tIy believes that we are to have annex»tion. he should reiueuiber that a substquenl litigation over the Crown lauds would be settled in the United States Courts —and his “puli there woukl hardly be so pronounced as it und<»ubtedly is on our learued aud very-mucb-v cation-taking ! Si preme Ueneh. And if the matter ever comes up on its merits,Mr. D<»le knowe enoughof law —or used to at least before he was bitten by a mad soldier —know that the Crown lands never ean heeome the prop*rtyof the governraent or be disposed of by any accidental administration. The peculiar feature in regard to the sale ol the lands of Pauwaawaa, whieh are to be sold on the I0th. is the clause that "intending bidders must. i»revious to the sale. satisfy the Commissi jn«rs of their hnaneial ability U» carry out the ccvenants of the nroposed lease.” That virtua!Iy takes a\vay the character of an auction-sale,and decidedly makee it a private sale. We could perhaps tell the reason why that clause has been inserted in the otfer forsale,and weehallopen the eyes of the puhlie as soon as the saie has taken plaee, and our suspicions have beenconfirmed that the only party who”will satisfy the Commissioner9 of his fiuancial ability” is a gentleman very closely conaected to this head of the honest. impartial. and mcorruptible provisionaI government.