Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 275, 3 ʻAukake 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
l' t % m Qict t > Lst (1 r‘ng tlie exialenee ««£ the P. ( t. tliejourn»Is whieh elaun to represent its seutimenls, rxpress its opinions, and puhlioli ito edicls (s»t so mueh per ineh) hHveso utter!y Uugled themeelves up bj contr.«diclory statements that it is dirticult f.>r even their infatuated follotvers to swallow their self-co«itr dicU»ry statements. Now it is the melhylHted residjut4i whieh ru - the Advertiser mudd!e that h - made the last break. Read the f«llowing and wonder, if thc eu; sciiy f »r amazement hss r.ot heou cx;...u?ud by the omstant demaud> ou it. Afl*r I howhng and whinirgb>th here in its eolumi)S and abroad in correapondtnce to American papeiw tbat the Provisi<>nal Government was not only financial)j stable and eeonomieal, but had always been 60 eiuoe iU ineepiion, this blether-
ing idiot cbanc»?3 partly to say the truth and statcs that it has ‘-performed the un/rpfcted and unprecedented feat of paying rnrrent expenaea.” (The ilaliea are ours.) Great t<cott! And this i? what hones(,emnon\iral. and etable governmeut has cuo.e to! To be ab!e to pay curreul expenses. That is it bas paid the salaries due its employees during the six months it has been in existence after taking i thce with a fuil Treasury. And it has ouly doue Ihiā by seizing on ihe Crown Lauds revenues wmeh | d i not and d d not belong to it, and bv persuading certain of its more f >nd,v trusting t.»!!owers to hold the>r uupaid b.lis over unlil it could g. t iu sorae money, and bV ceasirg all puhlie w< rks and refusing lo pay many of tlie apnropriations whieh the L»gis:ature, i duly eleeU d by the peojile, d**cul. d ! after seven months ol ilisi ussion were fit and proi»er ol-jects to be paid for. and whieh they d ily )>rovided in the regular way the meaus to p»y for. ■v And this is the rrsult of the hnaneial ability, an<l $3U,<A'0,OOU of weallh whieh the n.cei-t<'rs of the I’. G. under Miuister iSteveus and his Bostoii f rces put into c<>ntrol of the country and its all iirs. This aggregaiion <>f all the lalents and all the weallh, and all ihe brains, and business aeumen have,aiter all this trouble, distrees.and confueion, they have plunged the country in, been ahle to the unexpected and unprecedented feat of paying current expenses.” Frequently, we have risen from the perusal of the organ and its tail, feeling that there was some f<»undution in fact for M *.rk Twain’a humorous skrtc!i <>f ♦he time thnt he heeame the ed;tor <>f au agricultural paper. with tbe resnlt that one of his suhscribers tb<>nght him?elf a homioid.il maniae after reading his erfusi<>ns, unlil M;»rk himself had read to him the same paragraphs with the same expre9sions. and 8o eased his mind <>f the impression that no hnman beir.g conld i have printed suchdrivelling idiocy, and not be out of a lunalie asylum. It will now be inorderfor Minister Damon to explain why he has not referred the Advertiser’s case to the kind care of hia coUeague, the Attorney General, wilh a r« eommendation to have his doputies inqnire into bis sanitv. But seriously speaking what ean be styled “unprecedcuted” in a governmeut paying its current expenses? Are we t>> snppose that the Adveilie» r L.ln. ii uot.sidered the P. G. to l>e li<e s>meof the South and Centra! Aioenean governments wluen .- 1 V» ' •in the hab.t f r«->r. “x’ g'■ ■ rcveiuies and leavii e tl ir e,; pl yees and cred tf>rs ii the'nie’ >>it pavment? Or is it hal t eu..., ;..d of methylated Ke-ly a' <1 !>n»acy thiuks it is “uiniu fur a government to have on ils ineeption over $100,000 m->re tnan is necessary to pay “current ex|»enees.” and yet. after s‘x months, as9 sted by revt, i* - n> t bel.»ng'ng to it, and tbe ! f ,l :tA,000 belonging t*> f. - * 2 r r fi.ds.and ♦2iX)0be!ong i>.g to»r-oth r.n**t t<»l*e able to do ni* r- t' u b..ve i>aid lhose saroe e rr. t ■ x;-ei»s*»? If ihis is Ihe 8oh t f * *e Adverliser’scong;onjera liou •>f <«!dl**patedness and )gnoraoce we lake il all back, *nd siaiply ask brothcr J>>bnstcne to get somebody in f>iture to see that hīs blancmange does oot eufifer from such a Malapropian “derangeroeat ef epiuph?.”