Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 275, 3 August 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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“The rlghl and power of the Profisivi.ini CSoveruuiei>t to o»Hect 1: !».■»• been f«>rui»Ily reoig<i : .aed tin tbe psvment« m«de by Clnus €’'r“ckel8 W. G. frwin, C, B. WilJ. 0. C»rter, Geo. W. Macf.rl;*no, F. W. MacTarlane. J. A. Cum>M!: e, Mewrs. Spauldmg, Giff.«nl •nd Ueynolda. Cnrry tne uews to fSordhoffT’ Thk 8trfr man (we had almoei *wid baby) «pnean* to be in a tftu|K»r of nmaieoimil tbat anyone Cot ab».>lulely an annex »8ionist •bou!d pay taxes to tbe Provis»unal Covernmeut. Of course. «ueh an j«1 : .Mic view migbt be expected from Cne of the braiu calibre of the Slar *rriter, but aa we have always •L«ted our p«rty believe in what is rigbt. and as we have advlaed and aa e and they have acknowiedged t’ial the P. G. ie the government we are bound to uphold it «!: atl its regular acts when uot ab•olute1jr iliegal, and theref*re roore *«i*c : aUy as we expect thegovern-

| ment to be restored to tbe Queon and her lov«l adherents. it ie neeee- • ry th it the credit of the governnient and its aelual exi«tence be kept intact, and in as good a state of prēservati>>n «nd credit as possible till that eventoocurs. F>r that re>son the R >valists or l<.yalists, more pr »perly speaking, have invariably obeyed the outr;>geous and uncilled f»r edictsand overt»cts of the l’. G., and f>r thnt re. s»n lliey wiil as heretof>re pay their taxes as we b f*re urg 1 —i week or so ug » —80 liial the g name of the liawaiian Guvernment may be j pnstrved iut ct until tiie U. S. i onee more reslore it to its j»roper ru!*-r- —the llawaiian Queen and i people.