Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 275, 3 August 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
Onck oiore tne b; r * x i'it« n» j |o(a1 ignorance r ti me in re!:*tion t > t • cr-(tii.>(<<>ofb«irticuit >■ •■*;-<ns y, lier«* l.e t i - d-a «<f thc j A iPtr iliaim coiiii>et i g >• (!;■• Lm- i pdian und Hr tis! C .lt.n mai'- j k< ts with tli* ir fr > ‘f * i li< r. . !is iii.d r* (1- : rl; !•■* I <1 evt r kiowii f •.: : • s i.-iniain j tl e S 'utlierii Hcmisjiliere »re the j rever?e in point of lime to tln>se in tlie Northern, he would never |iaV0 difs|>layt d au lnrge bisabsolute Inek of Ihe most ordinary every d iy it;f >riii«tion and eommun 8eiise. T :ke pon.e tnore p >da, dear. n<>tKill; s landi! g Cunha’s advice to Ihope with liie grippe-like Punoh’a ie tl. se about to marry-»-don’t.