Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 274, 2 ʻAukake 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
tlii« countrv tiad a gnnd jury the w.tj wou!d not be e«ev lurT<u.i. Dck »nd Marry brinfj «nminM auits for ihe enke of tnvn•eo. c*v»rcion or innonne*. In ttie •naUee uf U!*el j»r 'C< > ed!ng9 eeppoallf,|hrre wi»uld b* a waloome re|irn—w«lc<»tne not n».*re to the |»ubtiabert Ihan t » the e >urt« aml Uk> C>mjnunitj. Aa at present COnatitnte<t. lh>» law« p»r<nit » nun VĪth a i-riv »legrieTance. alhiiown •pliou, t < |\g the |>re«8 in ite dts cuesi >n of i'«»'H»rtmt meaam-ea. and tren of puhhe enem>ee. That sort «f lhing i« a e >mrunn injnry.” Thr Ptar of At g‘ al lst *a quote<l ! ib >ve The Hnloiiei, it* etlit< r3, »nd th ee c>noected with its pir»v. b»ve »te.»d !y fougbt in the ume kiae (.<r year3 p iat. What eauaea j ibe c.t irg' lu the S’ ir aud its supporteri? Is it the menaoe to the per*»uat libartj cf W G. 3mith? What i* aauee f. r the gooee is •auee f>r Ihe gandeH Not that we aaiimaU lh»l W. O. S»ith is a goa»a bj no me&ne. H« ie situ t ! / IH* bell-vdther of the flock of |
j iiiots, who imagine that they ean change a pnplion of the destiny of the wi»rld, althmigh that be a emall portion indee«i. (\tether be blowed! He is a eheep.— Ed. Holokua.)