Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 274, 2 August 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
Bloi'nt direclly «ej»re«enliiig Mr. CleTeland the ko«(»red Pre*ident of the United 4sl«Je« «• lh> ehoiee uf il» peoj ie firder*dthc United.Statea flngtobe laken fr >m its j)l.«ce over Ihe Ha«aiiMii Government B'jilding. until U»e fi iio 1 dec S'<>n rf the United 6t iites-Governmenl —whieh he repve«ented —wi8 atade known. Tite Hnwniia i 8i:ir, apeeiiil!/ 8tarted •8 the orgm of the annexation f <rty here charactfr ze3 this act «*f CouimtM : oner Hlounl’p «8 f»llow8; **M«ke per.nar*ent thd act of • Apeil l»t # by whieh tha 3tars :»nd i 8(riji*« were ignominh»ualy h.«uhd down" \V lintever mny be, tbe f. «Uimate «elloii of the United 8tate«.. «bether anneialion of this COmntry, or re»toration of the eondition of Hff.iir« bel >re U.S. Minielcr re*idenl 8teven» atsi8ted to over|urn iU mulonomy, Hawaiiana will •lwayi remember with gratit'.ide lbe oame of the gentleman, who on j 4ehalf and in tbe nanie of the U.S. wemored all idea of C'*ercion or |brejfonft ooneluaion in the niatter and re*tored Ihe Hnwaiian flag—ihe emhlem of th«*ir in4cjiender.ce —io ite proper plaee i»ending ihe of the nece«8*rv neg>4istion* deciding their ultimate •aiional fite.