Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 273, 1 August 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
When the fire alann- sounded yesterday, and the Engine eame tearing along Beretania Street, Annezation’s papa, the ex-editor of the Star, we are t>Id was in imruinent danger of being smashed bnggy and a!I. With the presence of mind f.*r whieh the Doctor beeame noted (when he resigned from the Star) he steered his hurse inio a haven of safety until the engine had passed him. The interesting point is tbal tne Jheven of safety w here the Docter found shelter was the private rtsidenceof Her M .jesty the Queen. This will not be iheonly instance, we b«lieve where the ex-newspaper-Doctor, will have to seek protectioo frou Lihuokaiani.