Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 272, 31 July 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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I? Martial Law 8till in f»rce in the districts «>f Waimea aud Hanalei? If so, why? It was in the first instance absurd and a matter of ridicule to see the P. G. declare Martial Law bef>re it sent its “army” on the fatal exj»*dition lo Kaialau. but since the return of the troops and ihe virtual abandonrnent of the whole aff.iir, it is sirapi}' an outrage t« si)8peud the writ uf h;ibeas c .rj»us. F.»iiCy the howl wliieh wouid h >ve g*ne firward iu the pr< ss uf the Umted Sl:.tes, if Martial L.w h;«d i been declared aud tfie writ of the ! habeas e >rj>us suspeudtd i i the couutry uf Fresu<» in CuIifornia for the purpuse of catchiug Lvaus aud Johu S<»ntag. Ttie r:d eule whieh such a slep would have he..ped on the Gover>>or nf California wouhl have killed him politically—aud here the situation is eveu wnrse. For the purpose of catchiug a sick man. a sick woman and a helpless child, this greatand truly wisegovernmentofour8declares.Vlartial Law and uses cannons and soldiers and a whole Attorney General and then it fails, but a!though the cannous,the soldiers,aud the Attor-ney-General have been safely return ed totheirresi»ective b.»xes to await furlher use, the Martial Law is still euf>rced, and two j»eaceable aud respectah!e districts submitted to that outr.»ge on civil rights and personal liberty whieh thcsuspending of the wr;tof habeas corpus Cirries with it. We understaud that Presideut Dole intends to pay a visit to Kohala short1y to tuke a mueh needed rest If the policy wh<cb he is carrying on at present is to be continued aud the rightsof thepeoplearetobe trampledoninthe saniemannerasisthecaseat Hanalei aud Waimea,Hisexcellency had bettermakebis vacation permanentand take an infioite rest in tbe eool breezes of Puuhue.