Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 272, 31 July 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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If there had been any truth in ihe alleged encounter between the Alexander and the Mohioan, we feel sure that the iwo annexationorgans would have accnsed the Royalists of beiug the cause of the trouble whieh might have heeu created from such an aelion by the pirate steamer whieh sails under Hawaiian fl >g. lt is therefore a comf>rt to us to learn fr.»m the Balletin that the man who is registered us the owner of the Alexander and who has secured the Uawaiian fl >g for her and her nefarious business is a member of the Advis>rv Council —that famous j»olit:c! m Mr. Johu Eua. \\ e c.*m: liinenl Mr John Ena upon his <»wnership of the nolonoua steamer and in the fishion of the Adyertiser aud the St»r we wish her 8iiccess iu her sealing and stealing expedition.