Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 272, 31 July 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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Tite St'.r nnhiiahea the amended armv hill whieh creates Mr. D.>le e ful!-fledged live general, with any [ amountof Hides-de-camD.adjutants, ordn!ince oflicers, etc. We :ihvaya did Bupp< ct that tlie ambition oi thr ex-jndge ran in thelinesof war m d military prowess, and we are |>leased that theopjjortunity has < f f<r<d whcre he ean grat:fy this ambition nnd eome out with red stripes d<»wn h:s pants. a cocked bat «n hie grey iocks, and a gold headed cirving knife at his side. The characterislic point of the pro|)f>8(d Lw is not. though, «11 the general humbug whieh is being aj>ed from the Arnerican vo!uuteer f»>rces, hut is the indicati:»n lhat the I*. G. evidently expects to beeame a permanentgover.u.ient. In the f>ce of ex-m«jah Hastings let|er that Gresham has told him tliat annoxation is all right, and we will have the news in a week or so, it •eemp nb8urd to make arrangements f>r t'ne creation of a militia wh5chof c<>urse will be frorn the l>cgiiining at least an expense (> tln* g»vernment. 0r d<» onr vise rnlers really believe f r a liiinule that if we get annexation Ili.il t:if.y will be there t»> make |nvs, < r in auy ahupe ha*ve u v».ice in Ihe law-making of the ‘ Territory cfH;iwaii’ except as a small and inB gn.ficant minor'ty? But if anfiex«tion in epite of Fr«nky’s letter »s not feasible, what is the useof jiass»ng j>eriiiaiieiit laws and incurring further expense unlil ihe peojile cf Hawaii have decided what fonu of g.»vernraent ahall be at the head of l>fr,iirs*in Hawaii-nei? We ean hard!y beliove thatthe memhena of ihe executive ani advisory eouneila »re naive enough to believe that they ean run a military despot:sm »n a couutry in whieh they only fcave a right to be heard as iong M they act ae iaw abidmg and good citizens. Shou1d they attempt io hold the f»»rt whieh liiey were giveo posa»*8sioa of in an underfcanded and illegal manner through Ihe forcea «f a f.»reign i>ower, they eelahlieh a precedent whieh will be their own bane, and they invite cvery adventurer in the world to fdlow their example and make a piratical expedition to Uawaii—■nd then we would bc iu coii8tant w*r, oonsUnt troub!e, and hoj eleesI y «nd toUlly fiL>anciaIly bankruot. Wake up geutlemen to ihe fact that • goverument against Ihe pe»»pie eannoi exist in any eviiitul country, and if four «tfeeropt it here such atteroj>t will be ■wiftly followed by disaster. Go •head •nd distribute srrns as now m being done among the foreigners fcere wbomy?u mppoae aroyoursuppnrters—when «II the arms are distributed, snd every man heeled, you may tben learn you have •rmed men who no more tbtn we will toler«U an o)igarchy, but will only support you if yuu heeome, what by ihia time yoa shouId htve fcad B«ttled before the world. ■ gov«rnment of the people, by the people and for the people.

The eeonomieal feature of the bill whieh we had been made to expect has heen efiaced by the eeeiion whieh says; “Oflicer8 and soldiers while on active service of the goverument receive such pay as may be determined by the Executive and Advisory Councils.” That simply meana that the “volunteers” will be just as mueh paid as are Mr. Sooer’s hirelings and that two or tbree corapanies will be in “active service” by loafing around the government building f»>r pay and that the whole establishment «f Colonels Commanding and QuartermHSter-Generals and Surgeon-Generals and Lieulanant Culone!s and Adjutants and paymasters and statf tailors and staff shoemakers and tiddlesticKs in general will be continued and be al!owed permanently tu drain the treasury while all puhlie works are suspended and the country going to the d>>gs. If that is an example of tiie great Ananeial ability of Mr. DaniOU, inen we are still more at a loss t>» understand the reason f>>r tiie Ts Deum whieh the un-»ifiicial organ sines every morning over the minister of finance. If the scandalous waste of money by by the P. G. —never equalled by any admimstration under the raonarchy—is to be continued, well and good, let us know it, but give us a rest f»r all the hypocrisy, humbng, and twaddle, whieh be ir.g dished up every morning and evening for the purpose of blinding the j)eop!e of Hawaii and the world to the selfi3h. greedy, and thieving iuoiives wliieh it is plain underlie every step taken hy the insurgents smc« the 17th of Januarv, 1893.