Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 270, 29 July 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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We noliee thst the correspondente to the California papers from Honolulu are enlarging greatly on the alleged attempt on the uart of Mr. Dole to have us annexed to England ainee there are no expectatiuna that the United States will eommil the unholy crime of depriving a civilized people of their independence. Let ua disabuse the gigan\ic minds of Mr. Dole and Mr. Smith, in regard to England'e ambition in Hawaii. England maj be willing to establiah a protectorata over Hawaii if such sbould be the desire of the Hawaiian Sovereign and tbe Hawaiian peopie.but they ean rest assured tbat aueh protectorate would be over a Hawaiian monarchy and over Queen Liliuokalani, and that they and their ring would find themselves lcft out politically and otherwise in the bilter. bitter cold. But Hawaii lnd the HaWaiiane want no protectorate from anybodj. Tbe countrj has prospered and the nation heeome civilized »nd satisfied while the sovereigntj of Hawaii was preserved aod her fiag a sjmboi of her indepeu-

d«nce. They d«sire no ch»nge,and they wili solemnly protest ag»inst tne attempts of the foreign filibusters »nd their railiUry forces. hired or volunteer.who were brought into being by Mr. J. L. Stevens to commit the greatest outrag* known to the.civilized world in th» nineteenth centurv.