Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 270, 29 July 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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T;ie mnil to-day brings very |iltle of int‘-rcBt t> Hawaii.The San Francieco papers gener.iliy crit;c ze Ihe j*r >v!6 onal government for the koIgtered up conspiracy case againA \Vaik<r, 8iiicl;«ir, and Crick. We r print the edit<>nal eommenla on |his m.itt<rof Ihe San Francisco Clironicle,nt the eame time reminding <>v:r re«ders lhat that journal been or.eof the elauneheeī sup|)ortcrs of the annexation skheme and admirersof the Stevens adminietration in Hawaii: “The e <60 whieh the Hawaiian |)rovieional government haa maele rut ag«inst the three royalisleongpiratoT8 will not strike any{fair«nindod pers'>n as vcry strong. We #hnvild have j>reft-rred to eee oth« witnee6f‘8 than members <>r hangersun of the j>rovisional array. The testimonv of t'nc9e men may be 8ufficient to convict Waiker and Sinclair, but we fail to eee fr >m Ihe »ej rf <.f the trial atiy juslificati >n cf the arre.«t of Crick. the £nglish Chemist. Hc has apparenlly a good case for damages against the poven>ment. All ttie yarns ab.<ut Vndcrgr'>und passag<-s t<>lhe (>alace and iinn(8 ready t> be louched <>ff by electrieity «re rubbiBh, as every ene f.iiuiliar with Honolulu knowa |hat its coral foundatioo j>revertā %u>d r rground wopk. it w.iukl reljiiire time aud a fortune to make *uch Pubterrauean j)assages. aud no pno in Hawaii apj>ears to bave hu«l *ny eiii to squander einee Kalakaua dted.”