Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 268, 26 Iulai 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
The fol| >wine edilf»ruil fr >rn the : .NV(C York /*•<-'f ewi b- re>d >viih a Iv- it'sr-hy th> s■ "f •;r 'v iM be j p >liticians. \vhi> freq'i**niiy >ie- ’ !i*ht m a ring l!)«*ir !■• • hi«* .J IIer| ignorance 011 m itt-T' t*Tt iining t'> int* rn it''*n i! law and dipl<>niatic U?llfifc. Mk J. T.. Stkvk.ns 1.«« Mi ~t»*r to Haw.ni s**»*ii)3 t*> be c>ntinuiug i Uie nUaek iin Qm*en l.iii'i 'k ilani wlneh he hpgan wn«n Mini«t»*r. A S'i) Fr.inci8cn despatc i says thnt h“ read a long addrp99 t>> rn>*:iih.‘r3 of tiie Charaber of C-nniuerce lhera on Thnrsda3* in whieh he “«e >red Liliuokalani aml ner a»lminietraI t:on of afftir9 in Ihe plain>*st and av»st severe terms.” Ch irlea N'ordhoff. in his lat“St lett-*r t> tho Hera!d, defends the Qneen agiinst the rnany atticKS whieh have b**en mide ag*inst her since the annexation aeheme was r!evised. He doe* not rest his nefense on his o»n te9timony. but quotes from the leeal mis‘)ionary org«ns and the wnrds of clergym>*n on the islan»l8 to show that the Queen is an estimable woiuao whom the g> >d people of the i?!ands were r«adv to praise a short time ag >. He alao note§ the fict thvt prominent cler(ryman and their familie8 were | gl id to be ounted among the eallers on th * Qaee*i onlrn f“w month§ | «go, a children’e party in February. j 1S92. having b en attended by a ! hundre<l children of the mi>8t pro- ' minenl people of Hooolulu. The j ieen of a cojhtry i u wji we affiir9 the reIig:ou9 elemenl has alway9 laken so activa a uart cou!d not have led a d:sr?putab!e lif* without oming umler their criticiBm. The fict that it require<l s dome9tic rtvolution lo bring out the aeca»ations ag*inst her ia a decidedly weak p»vint for lbe 8)de of the accusers. A.« to Ihe criticism9 by Mr. Steve.iB u8 Umted Sutes Mmister. jt ia well to recall the ft>llowing paragraph from \Vooleya Tnternalional Law.-’ **No nation through its puhlie documents, or by ita offici*I oers >ns, ean with right reflect on the ioalitutioos or aoeial characteri»tica of anotber, or make :nvidious eomparison to ita disadvanUge. or set forth in any way an opinian of ita inferiority.” The pnneiple here Iaid down wouid plsinly have cIoeed th« mouth 6f Mr. Stevens so long as ho was representative of the United States in Hawaii. if he had not been a maker of ioternational law on bis own aeeounl.