Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 267, 25 Iulai 1893 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


We do not hoM oarse!ves peaponaihle for the utter*nc»?8of oQrcorreepondenl*. Editob Holomca: The aickening twaddle of tbe Advertieer man in hie sheet of July 17th, in relating the incident« that took plaee at the funeral of the anfortunate rictio3» of Koolau’e dead!y riflc—would le«d a «tranger to ihink that thoee forty or fifty men armed and equipped with riflt« and eannon, and all the p«raph«rnaiia of war—faad heen through one of the moet bloody battle« for the “good eauee” imnginable; :n«tead of fighting a «iek man and a woman. **Git I” you slobbehng toacy, you «hould be put in a gi«M ca»e and eent to tbe Fair a« a Hawaiian curioeity of Amehean parentage. & Hanalei. i