Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 267, 25 July 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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The Star man gets onee taore on his very metaphorical hind-ltgs and rises to exclaim that Mr. Artliur Johnstone, tbe editor of the Advertiser, did not furnisb the list of victims doomed by the raurder society ot the Annexation Club. Ab a sample of the tertility and vivacity of his imagination he claims that this is proved by the infornialion being *tinctured all throughhy dflirium trfmfns.'’ This is of the #f(]uitur non fit or lueu* a non lueenāo order of proof whieh in this case at least is su6ceotibleof doubt. 'Vhen Mr. Arthur John8tone himself ean truthf illy deny that he furnished the namea and wrote tbe article and that he took the credit of it in puhlie plaeea, we will discuss the matter mnre fully In the meanlime editor Smith of the Star , bad better try to build up some other lie less 9usceptible of immediate disproof. Nextl