Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 30, 22 July 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
Frtm ōaSy cf **k. I j Ycvtkbx>at ths Aostrali* left ' f«r San Franci*co bearing with it Mr. Claua Spreckel* *nd his f*mi’.y among»t nuroerous other paase3gen.Tbc Hoi Aloha Aina (btU r known a* tbe Hawaiiao Patriolic League) tbrougb iu suokesmar. Mr. J. E. Bush preseoted Mr. Spreckel* w:tb so addrese to ind:cat« their • ppreciation of the interest and goodwill he bad always eitended to Hawaii and the Hawaiian people and whieh b« bad always indicated daring bis visit jost terminated. 8ome of hia penonal irienda and other* perbape not so peraonally intimate had read witb amusement tbe aspirations of editor John*tooe of the Advertiser to try and creste a sensational | value for bis lucubrations as press oorrespondent of tbe Aseociated Press by repeating, «s sbeolutely planned, tbs silly vsporings of semi-craxy *nnex«tionista tbst there was bere in the ranks of the snnexation eluh ao inner ring lormed for the purpoee of murderingsomeofthe Royalist (so-called) leaders, and giving a list of tboee ; doomed to die at their hands. Knowing that a pl«card to the same effcct bad heen already placed |on Mr. Spreckels’ gate and had caused serioos and genuine annoyanee to buth him and others it was re*olved by about half a-dozen of those mentioned by name to turn the whole affair into ridicule and 80 show these absurdly inaane tbreateners that no stock could be Uken in their threat* further than to expuse tbem to the cynosur« of the civiiized world and let whatevsr damsge sneh pub!ication would give be done to tbe ca»se these foolish one* wero proposedly upho!ding. For this purpose it was resolved to purch«*e a gold-headed eane and present it to Mr. Claus Spreckels, ■uitably inscribed as a souvenir of the lime when his life wss threatened by imheeilee on the Hawaiian Isl«nds who profeseed!y favored annezation to AmeriCa—the land of ths brsvs and ths free. 8o the eane wss purcbssed and inscribed ss follows: Ave ! eiaaa I Moritnri te aalaUna. la Memonam Wom Yoor lUlow Citiaona T)ooiMd lo Die At the hehde of tbe Morder 8ociety o(the AaaeaaUon Ciub. M 1bnetWMd Men L ve Long.” Lehea eie hoadert Jahre and oo anothsr plaU on the eane wsrs inseribsd tbs names of all tboss declared in tbs 8. P. Ezaminsr, Chrooiels and Ca11 lo bavs bssn doosaed to dis by ths bands of tbess»SMtrins—from ths Qccsn aad Mlmaler Bhwntdown to the hamhle pssso— wbo help to edit tbis Uttis shsot tbs bot tbat tbs lnscription wss psxtly hi Lstin awd pert)y in Gsrman, wbteb apparsatly pon)sd the sigbi of tbssawsor iU inecriptiou as tb»m>tesr anP p«rely * private a&irsftMi dsasM witb Mr. Claos bodb papm iaio a stato of frant:c . oaeilMMMl' bocdsrl«g «m tbs sx'*V.; tosia|u4 lNMfsr ss iamato of Iwilnaiiiliiii bim to bs a * daa«rslbba dw *ad sa taking a * Hmiakm Ini How * iadig- 1
But what i> m<wt amasing io *11 tbis teoprft ra m tempnt i» the £>ct that there nerer w«» any pretence that eilber the Qoeen or Miuister Bloant had »ob?crib«l a eenl or I indicat*d tbeir approval of tbe | deed or b»d »ny know!edge of iL Like otbers, their namea bad been •IanderoQ»iy osed in tbe Examioer atd ehwniele, 4e., tbrougb editor |Johnstone of tbe Adrert:aer, and | it wa» considered that, haring no other iuformation of who was doomed to die, the whole list •bould be given as a memenlo to Mr. Spreckeis in futore yeare of who were con»idered worthy to be tbreatened with death at the sime time as bimself, so tbat to his grandchildren aud hia fireside cronies aa be grew o!d be might be able to •how in wbat honored company ht had been selected as a target tu wreak the disappoiutment of fools’ ideas oo. As the Latin and German pbrases with the otber quotatiocs (whiehwhen translated convey the whole point of the joke) seem to bave excited the wearied anfractuositiea of the Star and Advertiser crama. we will translate them here to set their fevered minds at restand we will in future aak tbat the P. 6. paae & law forbidding any engraver or printer to to engrave or print anything, but tbe simplest andeasiest of English (accurate geography, grammar and spelling, being not insisted en). That will poesibSy euahle our excited coatemporaries to get haek to their norma! halanee of somniferous dulluess and platitudinal twaddle. Ave! Clau», Morituri te talutana, ia a alightly altered form of tbe well known salute of tbe g!adiators to the aneieni Roman Emperors pnor to enterln the arena,to combatg to the death with wild beasts, or eaeh otber, and meana, “Hail, Claus, being about to die. we aalote thee.” l 'Leben Sie hundert und niemnU iterben, meana u may you hve for centuries and never die.” Now that tbe explanationa of the affair have been made the signifieanoe of the fact that Mr. J. E. Bush aa orator of the Hui Aloha Aina had to present Mr. Spreckels with an addrcss of congratulation from Hawaiiana before the steamer left, otherwise it couidn’t be preseuted at all, and Mr. Spreckels would have gone away oeten«bly una8»ured of the regard Hawaiiana have fur him and hia actions; and, tbat th% aame time limit being on tbem, oertain 6f Mr. Spreckels’ frienda, ehoae on partaking of hia Chamo»gne to preseot him with a token >f tbeir eateem and alao to ahow their appreciation of the amouni of aelual credenoe to b* plaoed in Mr. Johnatone the editor of the Adverticer aod hia yarns by, ai the laat aei of their Jobnstone—doofncd livea, digging up wbat liUle they had left—acoording to that veraetooa chronicler—and giving » gold-headed eane to aupport ihe £ootatepe of the deciioiog years of anotber dtlxen doomcd to die apeedtly by Ihepen of Iheaame Johnatooe, it eeeme to oa tbat the whoie of f(ooolula wlll put on ita bra»d»m grin aad give oni ha heartiiwt guflaw ov*r ihe lateet at> lempl of tbcee two cditorial ainoomnoopo to wrmt poHUeal intcr«M onft ef a eoeaal mbi and «o onee meea inanU tbo fBnftleman w« Pwknn»), **hriB( m
l tbe puhlie. And we and Colone! I SoreckeIs’ otbcr friends will beI - i j lieve jast »s muehin Mesar».Smith r! »od Johnstone and “whoeo l<mth r 1 »nd maketb a lie’ as we have » hitherto done. •! ■ i