Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 30, 22 Iulai 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
Clavb SpbeckeL8 left on the Auatralia h»-day, and will prr»ce«d direct to Wasbington. where he will attend to the intereata of the Hawaiian {«ople and counteract the w«rk to be done by Profeaa«r Alexander and Thuraton. The Haaaiiana ahowed their apprecialion of the stand taken by Spreckele. and in many diflerent ways proved hia p.*pularity and the great aloha whieh Hawaiiana always have and yet entertain for him. Mr. Spreckels will r*turn to Hawaii as soon aa a final underatading hae b< en reached with Mr. Cleveland and his admmistration.