Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 266, 21 Iulai 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Before we hear any further talk from the Star editor ur from th« Advertiser plagiarist about the insult *‘to Minister Biount” or about ‘*apologizing’ u »t wou!d be well for those twogenii (?) to interview the Ameiiean Minieter and nnd out if he considera that any insult has heen offered or that he desires any apology. We have reason to believe that the Mmister neither has discovered any insult vet nor has he found any cause to ask for an apology, and that consequently they fu rther reference to the matter on bis bebalf is not alone uncalled for but ia a genuine insult to him. It is bad eooogb for any private individual to be defended from some fancied injury by such asses aa the two hired annexation scribbiers.but for an offic;al person who has been tbe victim so far of their snarls, misrepresentations,and directly ing. to be daily annoyed by their atUmpted defense against sometbing for whieh no comnlaint, nor even any reason for complaint bas yet b«en found, ie extremely annoying if not damaging. There is one remark in the Advertiser this morning to whieh we

will eall att«ntion. and that is wnere it eay». “a diplomatic age«t joining io anv partisan demon»tr«t;on of the kind rend»ra himself liahle to be called to aeeounl. either in the country to whieh he is accred;ted or to that whieh he represents.” Right, you ar« ne:ghb>r. but dīdn‘t vou, and the reet of vour ilk. kiek and b«>wl, and exhib:te<i vour double-edged imheeility in the mo«t remarkab!e fashion, because we wanted ex-mini»ter Stevene called to accouut for taking the m>»st prorainent part in lh»>t polilieal partism demonstratTtm whieh took plaee at the 0[>era House here at the hall for Captain \Viltse previous to nis departure?