Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 266, 21 July 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
Nothing mnreamusing haslately appeared to the sane portion of the community than the continued howl in the annex.»tion organs about the eane whieh some private citizenspresented toanother private citizen who left by the steamer. The elaia on puhlie notice of this private jiffiir by the organ and Ihe organette is absurd in the extreme. Neither the recipient of the eane, nor the donors for one rainute represented or understood the namea on the eane to represent those of the donors of it.but everybody with any eommon grain of «ense knew that those names were simply tboae of the men alleged to have been selected by an alleged murder organization here as the victims of thfir hatred and aesassinating inclinations. The matter was the busine§s of nobody, and the attempt to make politioal eapilal out of it is ■imply puenle. Hush ! baby, huah thee to slumber onee more!