Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 264, 18 July 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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The en<<rmous pedal extremities of the Star ostrich are onee more flaunting in the breeze whieh gently plays through their interstices while its liUle apology for a cranium is endeavoriug to bury itsell in the dust kicked up by its own self constructed and self-dis-covered trap in tne vain hope t (i at thereby it pleases its Americanand British readers alike. Haviug insulted the one aod scared the other by its rash breaks.it now endeavors to follow the Freuch Academy’s definition of a crah and crawfish out of the mess it g <t itself into by assertiug that the Ho loml a is engaged iu a gigauticc'»nspiracy with the British Minister R- sideut, Mr. T. H. Davi»s.and Princess Kaiulani to avert Amenean annexation in order to fiually acqmre British 8upremacy in this Kiugdom. Were it not thafc American citizens who uiay }K»ssibIy read the Star nlthough we are informed by that organ that the only use it has hitherto been put there is t» decorate the inside of a foundation stone while italso states that we. — the Holomua —are quoted everywhere) may possibly imagme that there is some truth iu this mare’s nest, alleged to have heen discovered by the Star, we hasten to remark tbat but one member of the editoriaI and working staff of the Hawak Holomua was b.irn a Britieh subject (and is proud of that birthright) and that all of them, fn»m the editors down to the newscanriers, who are of snfficieut age, have had the right to vote, and exercise the privi!t gea of citizenship in this kingdom, even before the CoD8titution oP 1-87 allowed foreigners the privilege of voting after one year’s residence. and th.it those who are or were too yoong to have that privilege will certainly elaim to cxercise it when of proper age aa citizens of the country. But to hetr this accusat on from the Star makes us langh—genuinely Iaugh at his mis-applied ignoranee of what every one here knows to be trne. We—as repre*enting the Ilawaiian people—who mhecribe and writ* for our p«per. and daily and weekly commend our atUtnde by enlargiog our subscripUon Iiat are oppoeed (o annexation in any (brm—BriUsh, Amerie«n, a or any other, and are eole)y de*irons of aesiog the Ha«aiian groap keep ita

fUtaa as m indepeadeo» mooircbr under the nile of iU SoTereigu chiefi, friendi v to ill miiun* *nd inimieal to none. Whiie tbe Sur. gotten op an innexAtioo organ by alleged Amencans in Amenean intere«U, and edited by a whitewashed Auierican Bnti9her ha* rep«atediy in the past few week* stated that if the Amenean nation will not annex ns then Great Britain will be asked t>. Thi9 pecultar way of say:ng Et tu BruU! wouid not be rcmariitable w**re it not that i the publisher of the Star is an English subji-ct and ils editor a whitewashed Britisher. Can we say more thm that it seems that these (knowing so weil, as they allege, the tact:cs of Vhe British Minister Restdent and Mr. T. H. Davies) have influenced the P. G. lo turn trait*’rs to the ou!y object i to whieh they self-elect<d th«raselves under the pr tecti«'n ōf the U. S. minister J. L, Slevens —thal of annexition t<> the Unit-d States —and declare, and act accordi' giy, that sooner thau let g>> of lheir salaries and positions, thev will turu traitore to their adopted eountry and the country of their origin, ar.d hand this country, bound hand and fuot, over to the tendt r mercies of that Great Britain whieh they havc asserted ean be crushed in thirty days in war by the States. Go to, thou iiub*cile and infantile impostor of the c!ass of those ‘*who Iove and make a lie.” and who ‘ - make a uian an offender for a word.” You have accused us of three serious criraes, that we are young, have no intellect, aud are edited by Rntish subjects in the iuterests of fcpgland. Xeither of them is true, but let that pass. “It is no crime to be young and no disgrace U» be »ged.” We will repeat our former statement whieh you have g irb!ecl and partly sunpressed. ‘‘For we have never learued it yet to be a diegrace to be a British subject or an Amenean one either for that matter.” That is a 8Lifficient answer to all that this renegade Britisher and doubly renegade Amenean ean ever utter.