Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 264, 18 July 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
The appointment of Professor W. D Alexandep to b** Mr. Thurston’s assistant ministeror whntever ifeis to the U nited States Govemmenment is the Iat<st moveon the part of the provisional goverument. We consider tbis step an outrage—on Professor Alexander. He has heretofore justiy and unanimously enjoyed the reputation of a gentleman and a scholur. and liis honesty haa been above criticism during his honored career in this country. Why he has been forced or tempted ur induced to heeome a partner in that gigantic lie whieh is being enacted in Amenea by the emis»aries of the provisiouaI government in Hnwaii, we do not know. Professor Alexander, whose word and worxs as a historian cou!d be received with the utmost faith and with all aasuranct8 as to their correctness will have to tell what is false if he is to carry out his misaion in Wa*brngton. He will have to assert that the Hawaiian people desire annexation. That the rev<dution waa a spontaneous outburst cf the will of ihe whole Hawaiian nation and Bot the re*ult of a miserable eon■piracy between ■ mioister of the United States and a gang of disgruntled defeated politicians, He «ill have to paint a picture of th* vealth and intelligence aod uneelftsh motives to «hieh tbe anneiationists in Hawaii elaim a monopoly. He «ill have to enlarge on the great number of intelligent meoibers of the annex»tion of «hioh aome are mhle to read their •«o name «hile the majority use a crocs to identify the»r individuality and mark |he difference* be4«e*n the- different Mennek, and be «iU furget to menliōn ihe murder organixation, the anarchieiie placards,the \hreaU of viol«nce
towards political opponants. and tbe continued coward!y inaults against tbe Qaeen in whieh the memhers of tbat alleged American club excel. He will tben tell the American people about the wond- • erful reeources in thie cnuntry and 1 more eepecially about the wonderful div<dend§ whieh King Kalakaua secured for the alleged Ameriean piauters. He will f >rget to tel» about the innuraerable coolies and about the large ehipme:its of ra<>re contract laborers in a semislavery condition. His raemory will f;«l him if any q<’estions are asked him in regard to the leprosy.but hewill ofter the United States the title to the crown Iands —and a law suit. And after ali this is done the Profes8or will find that all that he s.iid and ali lhat he omītted to say was in vain, and that the result to him of his expedition is m creating a doubt iu the minds of his fellow citizens as i to h:s truth, his honesty, aud his integrity. We are sorry for Frofessur Alexander.