Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 263, 17 July 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
How mueh did that Kalalau expedition coet the ta*-payers? We h »pe that Mr. Damon who ao f«r has ehown a greatand praiseworthy willingnes9 lo 0atisfy the curioeity of the tax-payers in regard to w’iere their money g--*ee will makea puhlie etatement «t the next raeeting of the eouneila and prore to the country that no money hae heen lnet on that remarkable ?tiUhmt for Koolau, We ahall in a f iture i?soe attend to tbe policy of Meeers. Smith and DoIe relating to the lepers. The new ‘*roI*e” is■ued by tbe Board of Health tbrough Mr. Smith ahowa tbe true spirit of the man. While in India aegregatioa ae a ouhiie measure bas heen abandoned, simply becxuse the reeolts did not juatify tbe meaanre. Mr.Smith is doubling up the alleged preventives against the dire disease. Under the P. G. leprosy is no longer a mis(ortune, it heeomee a crime. Men are inearoerated heeaoae tbey refuse to divulge the whereaboats of tbeir wivee and their cbildren snspected of tbe terrible aiekneea. They are
hoot«d down like soiawl« sod Mr. Ssnford B. Dole declsre» martisi tsw in the di.«lrici» wftere thc su»pccted mru lire. e will ehow in our next issue thit segreitation hss not shated ihe spread of the disesse one liule bit. We shsll show ihal the atteu>pt of W. O. Smith now to plar the miraculou9 phenomensl d<vt»>r snd to stamp out the di9wse by making more objeclionable rule» and regulstion9 will prove as futite a» everything ever d >ne by the British government in IndiaBut we do want to eall the attention of every Amenean to tbe facl that this g>vernment whieh cal!s and cries f»r the sympathy to the liberty I«ving Amen'ean iwple is a g;»ng whieh einee it started its mg ti-iti»>na with America f>>r annex;ition has imj»orteti near!y 1 2»>00 leornsv-spreading Aeialiea ( a? e <ntract lah >rers. That while j our friends aiul syinpathiiers in ( Califi»rniH are tig)iting for all they ;»re worth to carry out the Geary j law. lhis wou!d be member of Ihe great Umon of States is burrying up and flooding this c»unlrv with the very class of men azainst whom Caiiforuia fig'»ts. Bnt at the sa ne time the un-American eiiiiena who werecreated a governnient through Stevens and Wiltse are hunting the men stainpcd by ihe curse of leprosy through the Asiatic eooliea like wild beasts. aml are by such actions, still further disgracing ihe name of lhat country whieh they falsely elaim to be theirs, the eountry the name of whieh embodies everything grand, everything g!orioua, and everything whieh humanity should adinire-AM KRICA.