Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 263, 17 Iulai 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

k on!y newa brought by ihe Auatralia. is the startiing inf>rmati«»n lhat a m'irder-orgmizati‘m haa been formed wilhin the annez«tion ciub. The object of the or frinizition is to do away’ with certian citizens whodiffer polilieal |y from the membtrs of the annexa'.iou eluh, and the dispatch says lhat “liiere is a tacit underetanding among certain citizen soldiera to whieh man eaeh is to p:ck out and go for.” We reproduce |jio list of the men who are to be killed by these aaaaeaina in citizen •oldiera cl)thes. Sam Pariier, V. V. Ashford, C.W. Asbford, John Cummius, J. E. Bush, A. P. Peterson, Charles Creighton, Anlone Rosa, Dr. Foot«. Cbarles Wileon, J. W. Roliertson. C. O. Berger. John Bowler, £. B. Thomas, G. C. Kenyon, E. Norne, W. H. Rickard, James Camt.beil, John F. Colburn •nd W.H. Cornwell. Besides these the Queeu and Claus Spreckels are to be disposed of and in case, Uiinster Blonnt shou!d interfere fresumably by offering his proteclioa to some of the victuns of these murdere, he will also be shot. Tbe currespondence whieh states •II Ihie, is written by the associ«ted press epeei&l currespondent Mr. Cowles, but the same statemenla are alao used in the correspondanc« of the S. F. Call and other journaIs for whieh Mr. Johnlone. the editor of the ProvisionaI Oovernment’s official organs.writes. As • curresuondeut of the associated prcss is suppoeed to eonhue h:maelf t» absolute facts, and «s Mr. Jobnston owing to his free access to the sacred precincts of the governmeut bas good opportunities lo keep himself well posted, it ia to be presumed tbat the stateaients ■asde are true, and that the annexation eluh really hae branched out into a murder-organization. We trust for the sake of our <riends . in tbat club. that the move wiil help the annexat'on eauee, but we doubt We fear that every deCent Amenean who might have •yiopathized with hie countrymen here in tbeir alleged woes will turn his b«ck on them when he £nd, that they trr to imitate the Cbinese Highbiudererather than to iry to resemble good ard Iaw-abid-Americans. The tbreat to •hool the Americau minister is •imp)y an outrage unparallelled in th* history ef the world. We have frequently heard ezpremioD8 (o Uut effnct from some blatherakites ti alieged American origin, but we kave never taken auy noliee of it, kul when the associated press gives it oul •• a fact that «ueh a dastardly •tep hae really been discussed and d>ntempiated the eyea of the American people ahoold open aa to Ihe true cbaracter of the men who •ow aapplicaiiog and knocking at tbeir door for admissioa to their Uaioo. Tko ooly poinl in the ■Mltnr wkieh wo will maka a note of ia tkst a abort while ago Mr. 6amuel M. Damon Miniater of Fi-

nanee. in open eooneil, stated that the annexation eluh was a valuable appendiz to the ProviB»onal Government. We would like to know j if H5s Excellency still considere the eluh so since it has entered upon ; its new roie as a murder-organiza-1 tiou. While we of course only wou!d consider it fair for Mr.Johnstone to i farnish in his next correspondence a list of tbe men who have heen se!ected to do the murdering busine?s, we do not expect that h« will do so. We do not look h»r fairness in tbcse, quarters. W hat there is worryii»g s,>me of the to-be-murdered gentleiaen tbough. i» a different matter. A few night« ago a man appeared in the house of C. B. Wilson, one of ihe to-be-mur dered gentlemen, presumably for the purpose of getting in hīs deadly work. A few shots were exchanged, but no hlooa (at least not Wilaon'a) was shed. Upon invcstigation. thouch, Mr. Wilson found that the assassin—in a fit of absent mindness undoubtediy—had abstracted a gold wutch and ehain. and whatever small change iying handy around. While we admit that such a little peccadi I lo eomea perfectly natural to a large number ofthe members of the eluh, we enter a solemn protest. None of us mind dying for the cause whieh we advooate, but we do object to have our small change and watches pilfered. If Mr. Damon’s valuahle appendix is a murder-organiz-ation —well and cood. but stick to you business, gentiemen. If it is simply a tPieving organization, we kiek and eali on Hitchcock aud Marmont.