Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 260, 12 July 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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Sat» th« St.ir ”the proeperitv whieh Hawaii has. wa? w>n hy can« pl*nted by f<»reign c*pit*l. cared f>r by non-Hawaihn hands and s »ld in a way pn>vuled by haole 9tateamanship<.” Conaidering that unlil Kalakau* went p**r8<>n*liy tothe United States ar.d by his preaence and inOuenee ?ecured the recipr"city treaty without whieh the pl*nters were bankrupt thirf statement 9avors ofingratilude; *'m>ec:a!ly when we remember that he n»et hie desth going onee more in behalf of these *ame plaatera to to avert the edVcts of tha NlcKinley llill on our eUpIe eommodity. but the:»e piar.ters and mi3sioparies and revolutioni»U are liiee th« daughters of the borseleeeh who cried u Give! Give 1! ” all the time and were never s.«ti«fied.