Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 259, 11 July 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
Thk St »r is { r>md irr the {«•'' sj sionof a hirelinz penny-a-liner l*eu wiiieh eau be r> lieil >>n U> u>.s<}Uule, mi#c ileulale. and n»isatate anjthing under the eve of d;iv t>» preve<it. in • * i the cimmerian depchs of nii;ht. I whatever it has not been able t» , l ; e uhoal at uny otber p-ri.>d *>f t.m>>. lts deliberately lal*.»r<d ar- ) t;cie t • prove tiiat the Unileil State« ia ihe reate?t country on earth in ar i. population and wealth is an exami le in p<>int. lt denounct • s}>re,!d-eaitlei?tn as "a l<eliet tr.iught witb bluster and br:ig and baving no bieis in fact.” But what sha!l we characterne an article whieh by e'jppregsion of fact, alteration cf tiguree, deliherate and general boasting takee ihe eake for 9pread-eaglei?m from anything th*t we bave ever heard or read. We haven’t s{>ace for an elabornte sna!ysie and refutation of ihe artiele. but the mereet tyro in etatist;ce and ge<>graphy ean by reterring t<> an encyclopedia or a good allaa observe at onee the suppre**io tfri ft ruggffti » /ahi. We will, howevtr merely quote one statement from its penultimate pamgragb: “and as for Australia, observers like Henry George agree that rather tban be dragged mU>a war over an English quarrel, in whieh shecould have but slight conc»-rn, she would declar« her independence and go her way rejoicing.” merely r0rnarking that the man who oonld }>en thia in view of New S >uth Wales'« contingent to the war in the Soudan, and while twocoipsof Au«tra)ian so!diers, one fn>m \ ict»>ria aud one from New S >uth \V:ilt>s are at i>resent in F!ngland, where thev were voluntarily sent lo tak<» part in the mil’tary manoeuvres is a* Mark Twain says, “either an idiot, a madman, or more probably * stu{>endon8 liar.” And to think that this man alleged to be Knglish by b rth couid eo }<erverl Siiake*neare’s linee applied to hi» own native c<>untry. and to-dcy il* proudest boaet: “Co«ne th® foar qaarters of the wor)d iu •rn», And she anail «hoek them.’’ and write that the Uoited Stateeor any other country cou'd dieaever the British Empire in thirty day§, forgetting the other portion of th» eame proud speech in Shakeepere, "Thi8 England never <lid nor erer «hall Lie at the proad foot of a cocqueror.” Bah! we haven’t palienee with eueh an idiolic prevaricating fulsome lickepittie. .