Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 258, 10 Iulai 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Wheke is the annexation eluh with its h.UlK) members anyhow? We hunted high and low for them on the 4th of July, but could m>t sny them anywhere. N\ e had expected to see thera out to listen to Lueien Voung’s oration, but behold the most frantic annexationist iulmits that there were no more than a thousand at little Britain while practical George Lycurgus places the amounla of all his guests there at 400. And the great maj.>nty were Portuguese women and childreu who everywhere ou that day helped to swell the numberof‘Americans.” The teapols to old Steve have not heen paid f<>r hy the one d»llar subscription, but some ofthe true patriuts had tearfully tn go down in their pockets and pay f<>r the testimonial themselv»*s. All the wondertul thmgs whieh the annexition eluh promised, frora firing out Cleveland to exiting the Queen and Spreckels, have eome to ' naugbt, and the only thing we notice that haa heen done is the curious act of the president of the eluh pr<>secuting the editor of the eluh harmouica for lihel -8gainst Spreckels. Again we ask where, oh,where is the eluh? Andechoaiiswers where.