Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 28, 8 July 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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The fo!lowing editorial from th« New York Herald furniahes aoma very interesting reading,and aa tbe Herald beyond doubt te a great extent voices tbe ideae of tfce Cleveland adminiatration, onr readsn wiil hail tbe indications whieh ean bededucted from the leadcr witfa andivided aatiafaction: From Mr. NordboflPs Honolnln apeeial, printed this moming, i( appean tbat the policy of the United 8tates, as formalsted in Sepr» tary Grasham’s instrnotioan ta Comraisaiouer Blount, is hailed witfa eatiafSaetio(« in Hawaii, sxMp< by the rabid annezationist«. Tho poiky u that the UsiM States does not propose to lntexfien in tbe govcrnmentaI affiairs of tha isbndaorto acqaieeoe in eoeh mterfereooe by any other foreign Power. With that end in view Mr.B!oon( ia inetmded to gĪTe adeqoate p*oof no»-pertieipairng Ameiioan eaV iaene andto aae“frieodly ofboesla the inlewei of a pc«ceful settloMBt<f the treohlee wiihin iha linila cf eoQnd diaeretkm. >} aa tbe Hxaau> hae aJr«adj

1 1 soit the pronsion»l jp>Ternro«nt i! *nd the *nnex*tioni«t«. Altboojfh ; it rirta«ny soands the d«*th knell • of »nnexation it d"ea not seero to r have df!tmvrtl »11 hopeonthe p*rt t of ihe »unexationist«. Tbey are • stil! trying to carry tbirgs with * i i high h»nd in the way of intiroidI ; *tine *nd coercing all opposed to [ i anneinlion, muzzling the naliona! I I press, restricting tbe freedoro of| ■ ! »peech and in genenil resorting to • ! tvr»nnical me»sures characteristic of an oligarchy. Xotwitbstaoding ! »11 this, there is a stn>ng Hawaiian sentimeDt against annex«tion and widespread di»8atisfaction witu the provisioual goTernment, It is difficult to see how that i governroent ean stand for any length of lime. It w»s org*nued for ihe one purpose of *nnexation —to geize tbe islands and hand | I tbem over to tbe l’nited States. That purpoee has been baffled bv , the refusal of the United Statw to receive the stolen g»x>d8. Further- | more, Hawaiiao p»->pular will ha» I condemned both annexation and the provisiona t government. The people evidently prefer a monarcby and no daubt would be glad ( to see their depoaed si>vereiga re- , stored. , It look? «s if the ex-Queen may , yet play an important part in Ha- , waiian aflfairs, and f*»r that rea»on Mr. NordhoflT presents some timely and intere8ting consideratioo* eon- • cerning her in the letter print«d i this morning. That sbe has been grrssly defauied bv the annexation- , | ist3, who droveher from the throne ( and still seem beut ou preventing < her return, is a matter of eommou ‘ nolorietv. But our correapoudent i i J > abows that the very men who have , acandalized her mosl did not heai- j tate to do her h»>m>r before this fili- i bustering annex ition aeheme was hatcaed. , AccorJing i>> bis obaervations tbe best tbing tbey uow ean do both for them3elve» and the country is to recognize Liliuok&lani as the i sovereign by right undera poputar consitution. This would seem to give efiect to the popular will and restore peaee and order under a permanent government. It would