Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 28, 8 Iulai 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

The Newark Time« seem8 apparently to be as mueh of a curiosity to the Star aa that paper certainly was to tboae inhabitants oi the Eastern city who put it under a foundation stone with mueh other usual rubbish lor those occasions. But all genuinely American journ alism ia a curiosity to the Star as it is so absolutely opposite to everything it practises or attempts to practise in either the line of newsgiving or eommenl. We advise the Star fiend to put in a little of his time studying up American journals and journalists, and tbeir plaee and iraportance in the history and rauulding of puhlie opinion in the States, aud if he wants any other or more “potent moulders of publie sentiment” cf the same kind, we will engage to furnish him enough to fill his long promised 8 page edition daily, to the exclusion of tbe whole of the liea and misstatements and misquotations, whieh he now dilutes over the spare eolnmne of six, and certainly to the everlasting entertainment and benefit of the few people who have now palienee enough to wade through his slobbering mountebankish volte-faces of drivetling idiocy and igoorance.