Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 28, 8 July 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
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the *bore qcoted. Doe* he mean that H»w»ii beretofbre hae oot heen »n indepeodent wTereignty under , ite owa goverament »nd flag, but that this year our independence is guar»nt«ed? Then the «nnexation ciob ahooId look at hia tongue and feel his polse and trv to diagnose what aiiment make* their hired scribbler go str.tight against their and postulation9 %ud tell us ihal theix.i* DO annexation. Or doee he mea.i that Hawaii lost its independence wnen Mr. J. L. Stevens boisted np the Amenean fl«g over his little band of filibusters and made it fl )at next to the Ha* wiiian, while at the same time the Hawaiian nation by that emhlem of freedom was trampled on and their rghts temporarily crushed by a gang of adventurous foreiguers? If 80. we wi!i take it all baci and say that we fully believe that this year will be the first annivtrsary of our independenct —independence from a tyranny of foreigners and a future independence from insulting interference and abuse of ambitious representativesof the United Statea. But that day Hawaii will give a ce!ebration of her own and will invite the editor of the Advertiser to be present and fully write up the festivities on the g<cond re»toration day in Haieaii.