Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 255, 3 Iulai 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
Mr. Hitchcock we understand has aleo sent a polioe-eaplain and two ofl5cera to Lahaina to force the virtuoue congregation tljereto listen tothe Rev. Mr. Pali a person whom hiē flocK has given the grand hounee for joining the land-etealing racket. We aro not aware of any law whieh ean force a preacher on a congregation, but perhaj>s Mr. Hitchcock has got a Hilo-Iaw of hia ewn whieh maj’ auit the purp»>ēe. We are aware that the community in in Hilo iē very mueh at the eommand of the Hitchcock. How ridiculouē all these things may appear, they tend eimply to create trouble. We have assured the govemmeni that they are perfectly »ecurc until the United Stateē’ administration has answered the Queeu’s protest and we have both endeavored,and succeeded, in hflding dowu all expres8ionē of dieaatiēfaction among the Hawaiiana and the oppo»ition. But should th» government through the mis placed ofl5ciousne9ē of men like W. 0. Smith aud Hitchcock, pursue a policy of conetant and unlawful irritation againet the people, we will not gnarant«e the result» — reault8 with whieh any rational being will know tbat the government is unahle to eope.