Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 255, 3 July 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
To-mobkow ia the nalional birthday of the great American people. It has heen the custom wherever Americana reside that a celebralion of that great holiday takes place.and Hawaii has neverbeenbehind haud in partakmg throngh its feetivities m the testimony whieh the world renders to the pnneiplee whieh are Iaid down and emphasized by the very word the Fourth of July. It embodies the principles of freedom of thought, freedom of apeeeh, and writii.g. It defends the rights of the people against the tyraut« and aelf appointed rulere whom the world hae learned to despise. It teaches man that all men are equal, and that the will of the people is par imount. It is the emhlem of *elf government, nnd of the power of the people, and it thoroughly ilIu»trates the fallaciousness and impos8ibility of all attempta of the elaaeee to rule the maeeea, The Provision&l Government •hou!d interfere. they should certainly cry a halt aud prevent the reading of the declaration of indopendence, They should atop Lueien Young from making the great oration of the day, because ho ean eay nolhinp pleaaanl to them. They should is»ue a peremptory order forbidding the barbecue and the boat races, and the turkey and cranberry »auce whieh Cunningham will serve together with Wielunā Lager at tho Anchor. They »hould »uppresB every expr«»sion whieh may be conatrued aa approving of independence. and that great lawyer, w. 0. Smith, »hould be further burdened by care by being forced to hir« Oamaliel Hartwell to pro»ecute all the men who dare to glory in the memories whieh are called forth by the Fourth of July. But to our friend» among the Haw&iiana we »ay: CeltbraU the day. Forget for the time the injuries done to you in the name of the United State». Forget that these so-called Americans whom you b«friended have b*sely betrayed you. Forget that even the men who falsely take into th«ir moutb the sacred words of liberty and indep«ndeace are the very onea who try to sell your Country and who elaim tbat your ▼oiee should not be heard. Forget all this we »ay. but r«m«mber that •croes the great eea there are m«n who believe and practice the great priciples whieh the 4lh of July leaehee u». Remember that the few traitors wbo have tried to d«fraud you out of your country ar« neither reoogniied nor backed by that gre*t people whe to-morrow will oelebrate th«ir day, but that they &re «mply oo«ai(tered «s an adventuroo« filihasUtno( kt of outcast» whe har« no elaina to eall themselvee Amenean». Remember to-morrow that the will and the i
a*ntiments of th« Amenean nation h«veb«enembodiedinoae man and that isyqurgood and trustT friend Grover Cleveland the Preeident of the(Jnited Stetesfor him. wherever vou are, give your good willing f cheer» —for the man who by the will of the American people repreaents the Fourth of July.