Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 254, 30 June 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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Th« Al»meda bringe very liUle of mterest in regard to Uawaiian mattere. Private advicee from Waahington inform ue that the poeition as American mini?ter to Hawaii hae been offered to Mr. Critteuden the U. S. Consul-Gen-eral al the city of Meiieo. The State Departrnent is not confirming or deny»ng this, but it is understood that if it is the case ConsuIGeneral Criltenden is not expected to aeeepl the offer. Thero seems to be a desire on the part of the President to persuade Mr. blount to remain at his post until the situation in Hawaii has l>eeu finally settled whereafter the mission to Eussia or some nther large mission will be offcred to the min»ster or the administration will assist him in bting elected g«>vernor of Georgia an office for whieh he ie considtred extremely fitted.