Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 253, 29 Iune 1893 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]
r We do not bo1d oar»elree mponaiUe for the nttemnce*of oarcorreepondent«. I _ „ t Editob Holomua, t Sir; —For a plain unnmiahe*! • and uomitig*ted mis-etatement of r £kcta oommand u* to the erticle in • tbe P. C. A, of the 28th inat. heed- » ed M A Few r*ote.” Themoncorieet heediog wonld hare heen - A
Pew Liea.” for tbc re*aoo thmt to i aappnam mny pmrt of fmct8 or to imafinm motĪTM for the Mke of distorting facte - ' mm tbey mclamllj mre im mn intmt t*deceiv«. And now f.»r m like retroepection history. there is m class in this eommunity. whom, for Mke of argument I ehmil emll not Awnean».,, Hmwmiimn politics stigmati»ed thrw class ms Missionaries. 1 object to tbis name, because it is a slur on tboee good and ncble men who were by force of tbeir beautiful characters *lways taken intc the councils of the chiefs. My opinion of an Amenean is one who has a lofty love for the priceless libertietf centered in the one word “Americmn.” He may be Americmn by birth or adoption. it matters liUle so long his soul is imbued by the principlea involved in tbe ab<'ve short sentence. The inAuenee emanating from aueh prineiplea will teach him to live peaeeably and quietly in any other couutry in whichsoever his lot may be cast. If he finda himself in another country enjoying all the privileges of citizen8hip,reasonably protected in making money, or aecording to the vicissitude of trade losing it for that matter, thoee same infljenceg will always be hiaanchor for good. Now, aa regards those not A,m<ricans, they are not so. for the reason that they have availed themselves by conspiracy of poeitions to whieh they were entitled by being , true Americans. For instance, it was nothing short of conspiracv whieh put the late King on the throne. While theee same not Ameneana were in power, all went lovely as a marnage bell, but the popular vote cbanged their position and again these smme not Amerieans resort to con8piracy, and.invariably you find the eame persons who, • mlthough boasting mnd calling themselves Americans are not as mueh so as a well bred native. Now. right here, I challenge mny oneofthem t& prove conclnsively that he ever was one dollar worse off under eome of the worst extravagances of the late Kalakaum thau in any of his supposed palmiest days. The vicissitudes of trade are merely a question of supply mnd demand and have nothing to do with g »vernments. If you have got gooda whieh nobody wants you have made a bad s| eculatiun. The f,ict whether you pay | of 1 per cent. or 10 per caQt. uxes wont change it, and therefore, the oft repemted plea of aeme foolish (in their view) act of the chief has been the reason of their conspiracie8.I say it is not the plain truth, bot it is their greed of power for themselves mud clique whieu lead thera to the nnt American trick of conspiracy—1882 sent them out of power—and they nerer qwit conspiring uotil in 1887, they jammed down Kalakau’e throat a new constitution, a nd on tbat very new constitution let me ask one pertinent qucstion. Have we had as piod a houae of nobles sinoe it bas been elective as we bad when apnointed by the chief? I s»y nol m<>st decidedly notI W e hmve more politics, but not as good men as m whole, mnd this elmuee in the constitution has been the chi*f hone of coutention with the nativeo. Foy m brief space these not Amerieana mgmiu enter power, mnd whmt do we seef Not m wise *nd pmtient oae of it such as a true Americ*n woold hmve done —but m bombmstic, 1 impodent shmking of fists in the £ace of the King—and why, siniply hme—M, the King conld not see I thlng» «Xmctlv M hie boy Minist«r 1 eoold. To «how the spirit whieh
aoomm! to sctomte mll their doinga the writer of this will never f*rf*t tbe remmrks made to him in the Palaee grounds mt the time Princ«M Likelike wm being cmrried de*d out of the Pmlmee. One of tbe Mini*tert of the Crown sUnding by the writer Mid, “I wish it w*s some one else.” Tbe writer remarked, ‘*that is treason,” *nd he sbrngged hi» »houlders, native fashion whieh meant, “Uke it a» you like.” Now, “these be thy Gods. Oh l9rael.” hmve I not proved they are no< Amenean», but »imply filibusters, seekmg their own aggrandisement, never mind how the aehool keeps. Again iheee not Americans *fler the death of the King showed their w*nt of sense in approaehing the Queen. Instend of approaching Her w»tn kir»dly sympathy, whereby, they might have won Her regard, they begiu again with that same fiet m tha face buainess. You wiil h ive to take these Ministers. Now I d just like to see what an American would do when some fellow eomea up |nd say, “You r ve got to??” and is the Queen, because sbe is an Hawaiian to be treated lee» decently. Such all through has been the short sighted policy of these no t Amenean» in trying to mainUin what they eall good government, they might be in their preseot positions to-day with right and justice on their side and a contented people around them, as it is, the momont America joins Eglnand and France (as she ia now sure to do) in guarauteeing the independence of this country, these same non 41 merican» will be relegated to that obscurity from whieh they will never be resurrected and it will be hoped they will Uke the lesson to heart to quit the conspiracy busines» and learn good citizenship. — Hawaii.