Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 253, 29 Iune 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

The provisional gfovernment has a great deal to aay about protfCtmg home-indu8tnes and encourpging all loeal manufacturing. The actious of the government helie their fine worda. We notice tbat there haa been eome loud complamt over the manner in whieh the eontract for bread for the Board of Healih and other govcrnment branches ia given out. Here wae «good ehanee to protect home-in-dustry and the contract ought certainly to have been given to a loeal manufacturer even if the price waa a trifle higher than the one a»ked by the importere. lt i» poesible thht owing to our expenaive labor, the loeal manufacturers cannot complete with foreign.made products, but we think that it i» a poor pol:cy of the government to rcfuee to support our manutactur«n and at a very insignificant aaving virtually eloee np some of our home-iudnstries. In its magcanimity the government promises 10 treat the home-manuf*cturer on the aame terms with any other bidders for contracta and even to give him the prefereooe over tbe importer, if he ean eell al Uw eame figure. That is a niee way lo pol 11 in, bot that by aoeh a eham-oon-nweinn ths governnwol nsither helpe the mannfectarer or maonrsgea the indaeiry ia bbnow to everybody.

Wi ehall in oar next iaaua give a report of the r«markable conspiracy whieh the government haa tried to make out. To tbe ordinary mind it Iooked more like a conspiracy helween eome hirecfc vagrants to fasten • guil t on the arrested men for whieh there was not a title of evidence. We are informed that the evidence to be ueed in the eaae waa presented to Messrs. Hartwell,Hatch,etc.Wedo not know jf that ii so, but if the learned attorneys above mentioned advised the goveanment to make Ihe arrests on the evidence presented to Judge Carter,they must have a very unique idea of criminal practice or they must be very anxious for a fee.