Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 253, 29 June 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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What la Mr. A. S. Hartwell doin« anyway on the conspiracy case Messrs. Walker,Sinclair and Onek? Why are the taxpayers to pay a fee to the learned ex-Judge for doing the work of the Attorney-Gen-eral? 1« it time or %bility whieh Mr. W. O. Smith laeka eo that it heeomea neces8ary to eall in Mr. Hartwell as proaecutor, or ts the eaee of the government so bad that the ordinary fund of legal knowl«dge at preeent in the AttorneyGeneral’e department had to be reinforced ao aa to if possibly make the oaae leaa ridiculoua than it now iieme to be. This equandering of the taxpayers’ money for the benefit of membera of. the bar was always characteri8tic of the reform party. The report of the Einanee Committee in the ljegislature of 1890 gave certain information in regard to the policy of hiring outsiders to do the Attorney-Geaeral's work. and the policy was the uaual grab game at Ihe puhlie treasury whieh we see continued to-day. There are three men employed by the goTernment to attend to the law d«partment, and they are all tbree admitted to the bar and supposed to know law. WLy neither Mr. Smith, Mr. Wilder or Mr. Brown ean handle the conapiracy ema* we cannot understand. lf none of them are fit to prosecute, they ought to step out aud give somebody who is competent a ehanee.