Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 252, 28 Iune 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

We bavc received a copy of the Honolulu Diocesan Magazine for tht current quarter.andour thanks are due to it» pubii»her and edit<>r. The hulk of the periodical deals with what is raore purely church matters atfecliug the member» of the Anghcan denominatiou, but the leading editorial is worth copying, and we hereby reproduce cordially endor»ing il* sentimenl«: THK POLITICAL SITUATIO!» Kemaina outward!y uncbanged ainea our last is»ue. and will so remain until the Presideut of the United Stotea tokes aeūon on Commisaioner blount s report. ( That the Commiasioner has made a »aarching inveatigalion wheth»r the Provisional Government waa e»toblishe3 with or without the aid of ihe United Stote» force« there ia litUe doubt- By thi» time hi» report i» probably in ih» hands of tha Preaid«nt. Meanwhila th« Qo«en and ihe native peopla await with and palienea the de-

c'sion of the G<>v-*rnraeiil of the l'nited Statr«. confident th.it il i n ihe »rideuoe it »hall 1« foand thut • great wr»'iig bas l'eeu done. tbat wrung wlil be r*ir«'$ed. Nolwilh9Unding uiueh to oause :ndigit3tiou $nd irritation imong the people un the part ot tho*o in {lowee. there hae been no dir*turbeuoe in »ny part of ih- Kingdotu. No better U-st of their fitnesa for s«lf govern* oienl cou;d h;»ve been auplied to a people th.in that whieh the Hawaiians hive st-ni for tbe la?t :ive m>>nths. Wh»u*ver dang-r iher® haa be»ni to life and prup-rty h*s Wen from the foreign -ol»l ers of the Provisional Anuy firinc lheir ritlt« under the inAuenee of ltquor.