Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 252, 28 June 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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The ca»e of MeBSrs.Wa!ker,Crick. tnd Smclair f»»r conspiracy is now on before the Diatrict C »urt —C. L Carter on the bench. M e do not desire to coumient on any case «nh judice: for whatever the cnsu»m here, we have been brought up to regard such conduct a*in the highest degree iraproper and tinfair. We shall only make one reniark on what transpired this m<»rning in open Court, and that was, that the newlv-appointed .lueliee Mr. Carter was informed last night that he was to try the case, and thal he thereuj»on consulte<i all the authorities beanng uj»on the raatter. Such an action in any other eouu trv wou!d be taken to inean that he had heeome acquainted with the nature of the case outside of hia Court, and had made up his iuind bef<»re hearing the charge, the evi* dence on both sides,andthe defense. We shail say nothing but leave to eaeh of our readers their»»wn infereneea as to the causeof bis appointment. and the discretion or otherwise of his aelion and utlerances, it being constantiy lxirne in mind that this is his own statement nade from the heneh this raoraing.