Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 252, 28 June 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
We have m»ny personal fnends amongst the members and supjxirters of the P. G. At least they make that olaim on us. and hitherto we have ucknowledged it on demand, but we are filled full ot grief to have to show them how erroneous their frieuds' statements are, in regard lo the late monarchy and its methods of prooedure.From time to time the 6tar with that depth of degradation and inainuatory filth for whieh it is now notorious. haa asserted tbat the aetions of the eflicial§ of the monarchy were c<jrrupt and, when not §o, a>rrectlv to be de»cribed a» official favoritism. We have never worried our»eIve* about refuting these charges. for that organette with a eaulion mueh to be admired would never make them sp«cific enough to ailow us to drag th»m mto **tbe fi*rce hght whieh blaxe»,’ not upon a thmne. but upon th® forum of justice as practised in our law eoorta. But what ehall we say of the folIowingcaae whieh haa occurred wholly uodar the preeent regimejmdtheactorsinwhichareall whole-aooled (that ia if they have
an_v) iupporters of ihe P. G. and the annexation scaeme. Fwo Chiiifc9e clients of ex-Judee A.5r. Hart1 well were d:ied. the one and cost8 and ihe cther 175 and costs. He as their Iawver app«aied the case. On the '25tb of May he wiihdrew the appeale. I nd»rr the law, hie respeclfcd «lie'Ui 9!ioold have imoiediately donat.d their l*>0 and coāts aml 175 ar.d <x>sti to the treasury, *r promptly and immediately been sent to jail to work oot their sentencv* b_v pr«>viding a bleediug country with l*etter roads. But no! No P. G. corruptioa or favoritism waa showu of that kind. They were promptly allowed t<) pay cff their dnes b_v the instaiment plan. l'p to June 2«.. the 160 man had pai<l his fire a .<1 noc>*sts. And up t<> d.-)te, t! c *7ō man haa paid 144. and 8t' ! l uwts the goVfcrr> r .nent 161 and C -t8. !t strikes us that what is >.iucf t rtne goose i? aiso eauee f«>r the g ind« r. %nd shouid be. If ihe »<Iit««r of ihia paper is fiued for lihfclling ihe sacred pers«>nage of J. I,. Stevens. b_v reprinting an Amenean newepaper’s eommenl on his actioiis here, he will be promptly prepared lo pay such fine b_v in9taiinents.8ay of 25 centa per week taken out in Bub9cription to the Holomua at current rate8. And he will elaim the privi!ege until we hear no raore about this absurd r«*t of official corruption and favoritism pract 8ed under the monarch_v whieh d<*ei not find a pamllel or fven wors« under the P. G. Goodbye.