Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 252, 28 Iune 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

The Advertiser possesses a hireling scribe who has been exercisii>g him?elf of late on the benefits whieh the Canadian Pacific line of steamships will bring us. In view ot the fact that we are told the natural and manifest destinies of tbese islands are to belong to the U. S. and that their trade mnst go lhere and nowhere else it seeras to our untutored minds at the present juncture tq be little short of flat treason for any one on the Advertiser side of the poliiieal fence to advocate or point out the advan- < tages of tr;ide with Canada or Auslralia. When we recall the insii'uations of British attempts to undermine American inAuenee, when we recall Miuister Steven«’ as?ertion that Canadianadventurers and Australian hoodlums were the parasitical causes of the down-fall of the monarchy. and the constant endeavors of the rabid pro-annexa-tionists including the Advertisor ilself to excite &n anti-British jingo sentiment m the States ws feel situply paralyzed when w« contemplate th« Australian support in its last two or three days editoria!s. Go toI thou hypocriteI Build up thy advfcrtising patronage in some lees objectionable manner. D<>n’t try to kiek one day and kiss the next. rr> .1 11. J